Hi Epiphany! I think that is quite right. Maslow observed an orientation to serve and give to the community from a very young age among the Blackfeet. And he also did seem to believe that a lot of the self-actualized people he studied were interested in serving the broader interests of society. He also seemed to think that a much higher percentage of Blackfeet were self-acutalized (80-90%) compared to European-Americans living in the United States (5-10%), according to Ryan Heavy Head (https://www.blackfootdigitallibrary.com/digital/collection/bdl/id/1287, video 7 out of 15, minute 13:45-14:15). The issue in my eyes is that our culture leaves meeting our needs and journeying toward self-actualization to the individual. For the Blackfoot, there is a true belief in the self-actualization of each individual from birth and a type of community care and education that stewards that actualization into a visible reality that serves the community. They built their society differently than we have!